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Donate? Why?

That is what we're all collectively working towards. And real change takes work, but we cannot do it alone. Your kindness will help us to work towards creating a bigger and stronger community. We are hosting servers, working, creating, updating everyday to make you feel as much comfortable as it's possible. We're even paying money for TOP 3 players every month, providing steam accounts, ADMIN, VIP privileges, paying for protections, hosting, advertisements and many more! Honestly, our work is unprofitable and it's difficult to realize that it will probably never pay off. However, it's our passion and we love do what we're doing! We really hope you'll rate our effort and help us to survive!
Thank you, PHOBIAN!


IP.Board Donations by DevFuse
  • Donation Stats

    Total Donors
    145.00 USD
    Total Donations
    200.00 USD
    Total Goals
    145.00 USD of 200.00 USD
    Latest Donation
    05/24/2023 · 100.00 USD
  • Donation Goals

    Our goal

    Our first goal.

    Since we've upgraded our website we're kindly asking you to help us to improve. All your kind donation will land to our budget which will be invested to improve our website & servers. 

    145.00 USD of 200.00 USD Donate Now
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