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  1. Server I usually play Public or CS:GO server English level Fluent level of english Extra languages It's probably unnecessary but I'm a native from Spain, so Spanish. In-Game nickname Vazz Discord username vazz#6977 Link to your steam account https://steamcommunity.com/id/itsvazzquez Real name Javi Age 24 Country Spain How long do you play Counter-Strike 1.6? I've been playing CS 1.6 for 14 years, back then I had no money and was playing No-Steam. Currently, for years, I have the game bought on Steam with +800 hours. Probably played more than 4k hours. For how long are you playing PHOBIA servers? I've been playing phobia servers for a year or so, but I haven't accessed CS 1.6 for a long time. I usually play a few hours daily from monday to friday and some weekends. Have you donated to PHOBIA? I bought VIP How did you found our community/servers? I don't remember exactly, but it's possible through GameTracker or Steam community photos. Tell us about your experience being administrator. Have you ever worked on any other project? Many years ago I had my own server so I know how to control administrator commands. Also, I've touched AMXX code on a few occasions but I'm really rusty right now, but I'm a programmer so modifying things shouldn't be a big job. The reason for applying. (Tell us the reason you are applying for. Why do you want to become a part of PHOBIA crew? How useful you can be?) The reality is the following: I have been playing Phobia for many days and I have noticed that sometimes there are no administrators. I also want to add that I have been accused of cheating on several occasions -and banned- even though I have subsequently been unbanned by proving that I am not guilty. By this I mean that it is very important to know the game at the level of mechanics, sound and skill (also tickrate lag) to really understand when a person is good or is using cheats. That is why I want to introduce myself to avoid people who really use hacks and on the other hand have immunity towards this community that has already made me suffer unfairly accusations at some point. How much time you spend playing in our servers? As I said a little above, I usually play 2-4 hours a day more or less. Introduce yourself. (Tell us more about yourself. Like hobbies, skills, your free time shortly). I am a man from Spain (Barcelona) who has been playing video games since I was little, more specifically Counter Strike 1.6 because I love the amount of modded servers out there. I currently work as a programmer and have free time to play because I usually finish my work on time. I'm pretty good at shooters, not at a professional level but I consider myself relatively good at it, even though when someone is good, many times I ended up being worse than him, it doesn't mean im the best, far from it
    2 points
  2. Server. [zombie] English level. Fluent Extra languages? Serbia,ENGLISH In-Game nickname. MeDeA Discord username. MeDeA#2270 Link to your steam account. I don't have a seam Real name Lazar Age 16 Country Serbia How long do you play Counter-Strike 1.6? 7 year For how long are you playing PHOBIA servers? I entered earlier about 7 days ago Have you donated to PHOBIA? I didn't, I will donate How did you find our community/servers? so i was looking for a server on gametracker and i found this one Tell us about your experience being an administrator. experience 9/10 The reason for applying. (Tell us the reason you are applying for. Why do you want to become a part of PHOBIA crew? How useful you can be?) I think you are good and I will be good I believe that open communication and mutual trust are essential for building strong, productive working relationships, and I am committed to upholding these values in my role as a member of your Administration team. How much time do you spend playing on our servers?I so 3.4 hours every day Introduce yourself. greetings, I'm Lazar, I live in Serbia, the place Kosovo is very nice, I watch TV and movies.
    1 point
  3. Hi ivoxygen, Thank you for your donation of 15.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks PHOBIA community
    1 point
  4. Hello, Javi! Muy bien! Your application seem to be very detailed and satisfying to read. How the other things will go we will make sure during your 1 month test period because your application was accepted. You said it's "probably unnecessary" but spanish is actually one of the most popular language nowadays and we'd love to have a spanish supporter. This is more than necessary! Good luck! PHOBIA administration.
    1 point
  5. Hi I Think I Got The Most Stattrack Knives In Cs : Go Mod Server
    1 point
    1 point
  7. Server. [PUBLIC] English level. Fluent Extra languages? Russian, Ukrainian In-Game nickname. ``kosto4ka`` Discord username. ``kosto4ka``#3852 Link to your steam account. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198951996694/ Real name Igor Age 37 Country Ukraine How long do you play Counter-Strike 1.6? 20+ years For how long are you playing PHOBIA servers? For about 2 months Have you donated to PHOBIA? Not yet How did you find our community/servers? It was just luck. Found it by accident. Tell us about your experience being an administrator. Have you ever worked on any other project? Yes. I have Administrative experience. Worked on 2 other projects before. The reason for applying. (Tell us the reason you are applying for. Why do you want to become a part of PHOBIA crew? How useful you can be?) As someone who values responsibility, honesty, and pro-activity, I believe that I would be a strong asset to your team. I believe that open communication and mutual trust are essential for building strong, productive working relationships, and I am committed to upholding these values in my role as a member of your Administration team. How much time do you spend playing on our servers? I play for at least 2 hours every day. Introduce yourself. My name is Igor. I live in Ukraine. I enjoy gaming, music, reading and watching TV Shows. I work for an international cloud-based multichannel retail management company
    1 point
  8. No doubt it's important to have. Much more easier to collect all the suggestions, complaints, creating tournaments & events threads that will inform players about, read BAN applications. Discord is more kind of "live" chat so these are basically very different platforms and both need to be! Discord has no value in collecting information.
    1 point
  9. well basically we need a place for ppls who are not using discord or even support them to a better extended tool like a forum . it's helpful providing opportunity to write generic and informative topics, announcements and guides and allow users to communicate better with us.. so i think we should have
    1 point
  10. Hello, @lazaar_tasic. You have applied in a wrong forum. The right place for applications is on "Staff Applications" section. Please be more careful next time. Your application is declined due to following reasons: ◖You didn't provided your steam account. ◖The time you are playing our servers is not long enough. However, thank you for applying. Your application might be re-considered if you will get a legal version of a game "STEAM" and spend more time playing our servers, like 2-3 weeks. If you will improve these points you can open a new application again but next time on a right forum, please. Thank you!
    0 points
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